Don't worry, you don't have to solve this equation in order to continue with the blog post. But I put this here as an example: I feel like every person struggles to find value in something, just like our friend X in the math problem. X in algebra always represents an unknown number, and you usually don't know what that number is until you solve the equation. And X can represent just about anything.
So why do you care about some math problem? Because I think it relates more to real-life than you might know. (And they say that you'll never use this stuff in real life). Lets start by filling in the blank: what do you find value in? For me personally, I find value in those who love me: namely my family and friends. These people are always willing to step up and support me when I ask for it. I find value in these people because of how much they all love me. When I am not with these people (which is very rare) I become significantly more depressed. For each person, X might be different. I know a lot of people who are sports enthusiasts, who live for the game and the competition. For these people, they might find their value in sports. Feeling that their role is important. Making good plays. Performing well. If they can't do any/all of these tasks, they are going to suffer. Big time. Because that's where they place their value. I remember hearing recently that a significant number of professional football players commit suicide after their career ends. Because that's where they funnel all their value. Once the fame and fortune is gone they no longer know what to do with their lives.
So I'll ask this again: What do you find value in? Really take time to think about that. Once you figure that out, think about this next question: What would you do if that thing was gone? If you couldn't solve for X? It's hard to imagine isn't it? I'll be honest: If I didn't have the people in my life that I do, I'm not entirely sure what I would do. Probably just stoop down low and drag my feet through life like a zombie. I certainly would not be the same person.
So let me give you this: As amazing as X is in your life, it should not be the center of your life. Think about this; once something becomes your "center" it becomes what your life revolves around, as if it were a planet. When you make a good thing your "ultimate thing" it becomes a bad thing. Relationships comes to mind when I think about this. When someone is "head over heels" for someone else, they start setting an expectation for the relationship, that will eventually become unreal; something no one can fulfil. Then the relationship suffers because of that.
I think you get the idea by now. We have one bit of unfinished business left; solving that math problem at the beginning. Let's go ahead and solve the equation.
I made the answer 1 on purpose. Because there's only one thing that we can truly find our value in. I could just go and say what I'm thinking of, but that would be no fun. I'll leave this open to interpretation. ;)
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